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FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS – Introduction to Standards-Based Lessons

Let us help you teach English/Language Arts and Next Generation Science — and make learning a fun, whole brained, and multimedia experience. Each interactive lesson features one of our song videos and invites students to think more deeply about the song’s content. These lessons are available in an editable Google Doc and can also be downloaded and printed as a PDF.  All lessons are based on Common Core State Standards (ELA and NGSS) for grades K-2.  VISIT OUR STORE to check out this growing collection of lessons!

Each lesson includes:
-A link to one of our original YouTube music videos.
-An audio download of the featured song.
-Questions, interactive activities, crafts, coloring pages, and suggested resources for additional learning and research
-Lyrics to the song.

Want to try one out for free?
Download “Here We Go” as a PDF and see what you think. We look forward to being a part of your classroom!
