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Clickety-Clack (Lesson and Song Download)


Learn about dolphin communication and behavior with this catchy song video and interactive lesson in Google Doc format. Includes an editable Google Doc, lyrics, and download of our song, “Clickety-Clack”.

Subject Matter ~ Ocean, Sea, Ocean Animals


“Click, squeal, whistle and squawk!”  Learn about dolphins, their communication, and  echolocation in this fun music video for kids by Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders.  Featuring the song “Clickety-Clack”  from our CD “IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids,” this video captures the playful spirit and sounds of dolphins and invites children to click, squeal and sing along.  With photos of dolphins and the words of the song on each frame, children can learn, read and sing along.