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Birdsong’s Blog

Watch our New Year Animal Video

Dear Friends,

My relationship with nature is one of the things that has helped me through the challenges of this past year. Staying close to home has given me opportunity to get better acquainted with the animals and plants in my own backyard and neighborhood. I learned the names of birds and wildflowers. I watched birds build nests and raise their chicks. I went for early morning walks, with camera or binoculars in hand, to see what I might discover. I said hello to hard-working ants, spiders in their webs, rabbits, bees and lizards. I quietly sat in my backyard and observed the creatures that came to visit. In these  moments, I felt a deeper sense of connection to all living things. How has nature has been a part of your life this past year?  I’d love to hear from you!

I wish you a happy, healthy and nature-connected New Year. Enjoy our video.

with love,


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Birdsong is an environmental songstress who is passionate about about Nature, music and inspiring kids to be students and stewards of the Earth.  Read more...


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