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Spider song video for kids


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Birdsong is an environmental songstress who is passionate about about Nature, music and inspiring kids to be students and stewards of the Earth.  Read more...


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Spider Song Video for Kids-Sneak Peek-Just in time for Halloween!

Watch my spider song-in-progress video:

Hello Friends.

I’m so excited!  My producer, Jim Coffey of Blue Vision Music, has finished the instrumentals for my spider song; and I want to give you  a sneak peek in time for Halloween, a holiday that celebrates spiders, spirits and other creatures of the night.
im has done an amazing job of matching my vision for this song, which included using string instruments that are plucked and played in ways that help the listener to imagine the work of a spider in its web.  

I look forward to recording my vocals in the studio soon and releasing my spider song as a single.  In the meantime, enjoy this sneak peek of a song that honors a weaver of silk and master designer of webs. My friends, meet the amazing spider! 

Weaving webs of song and connection,

P.S. Check out our video blog post about spider webs:
“Watch a Spider Construct Its Web”
