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kids song video about wolves


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Birdsong is an environmental songstress who is passionate about about Nature, music and inspiring kids to be students and stewards of the Earth.  Read more...


"Birdsong has a wonderful con­nection with children! She adds quality and joy to each and every topic."
– Mirna F, Montessori Teacher

EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED is a Parents' Choice ® Award Winner!

"The Tidepool Song" featured in Emmy-Winning film.

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Learn about wolves in our animal song video, “LEADERS OF THE PACK”.

Hello all you animal lover fans!
I’m excited to share my newest music video about wolves, featuring my song “Leaders of the Pack” from our CD EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and Other Animal Songs for Kids, as well as some fun performance footage. I absolutely love singing this song, and it makes me smile to think of you singing and howling along. So take a break, watch this with your family and have a howling good time learning about wolves!

With love,
